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How to Write an Essay: 4 Tips

Student with Paper

Good writing skills would be a competitive advantage in any case. Did you ever want to improve your skills? If yes, check the following.

How Do Readers Realize that You're a Good Writer?

When people read something, a sense of structure and style lets them know immediately who wrote the text. Do you have an introduction, the main part and conclusion? Are they related to each other? Have you been well-thought about everything in your content? The key point is to know where you are going: have own “compass”. If you don't feel your topic, you can't anticipate anything. In addition, your writings must have something like carcass: the structure is the most important thing.

What else? Reread and rewrite. Let's say you've finished your essay. However, you should go back and finish it again: this is the most vital part of the process. A very few people are able to think up some sort of argument and set it out as clear text immediately. Most of people require two passes. When they have already formulated ideas, theses, it's time to hone and polish them. After all, ideas rarely come to mind in the same order in which they're easier to be understood during reading. Often good texts require rewriting and rearranging parts of the arguments’ places.

How to Impress an Audience?

First of all, you should meet the expectations of your reader. To achieve this, you have to know what your audience expects from the type of text you're writing. This applies to everything: from PowerPoint presentations to creative essay. Understand your "genre" and what an audience expects in this genre, and then you'll understand what to do to satisfy the audience.

Which Mood Do You Need for Effective Writing?

Pen on Paper

Do you like how the words appear on your paper? Does it make you smile? Congratulations, you failed. Andrew Kevin Walker said, that if, when you're writing, you are happy and you have fun, then you're probably doing something wrong. A good writer is a perfectionist. This often means a lousy, miserable feeling from what you do, but it's good. Perfectionism makes you rewrite your text. A happy writer probably doesn’t work hard enough. If you are not looking for a mistake, you can't do anything to improve the content. Before you show your work to someone else, you should ask yourself: is this the best that I can? Are you demanding to yourself? You may just not have the second chance.

Little Wins

We need to focus on the negative and stay optimistic at the same time. If you constantly put emphasis on the negative side, then you will have a depression. Be able to suppress negative memories of writing, almost forgot them specifically each time and replenish stocks of enthusiasm. Otherwise you will just stop writing, and that would be sad.

Daily or weekly, it is significant to create a feeling that you have something finished. Imagine that you are writing a scenario for many months or even years. You cannot finish it today, but you can finish cleaning the floors. You cannot finish a novel today, but you can cook this sandwich with seafood. Any distracting activity and any attempt to procrastinate which have an element of finality is a small reward for the person whose literary career suggests a very uncertain and very remote fee. The writer Dan Pink notes that these 'small victories' help to move forward. Studies of Teresa Amabile of Harvard show that a sense of progress very motivates us. So, embed such things into your schedule.

What Do We Have in Result?

All those things are not only for the texts. This attitude of the artist can be taken in any field. Just don't be afraid of the artist within you. Look for art in all that you do.

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