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What Essays Mean to College Students

Knight and Monster

Procrastination is such a widespread phenomenon nowadays, that we have all heard about it, and experience it often on our own skin. Students have so many assignments, that they often feel like they can never accomplish them perfectly and write everything the way they are supposed to, so they never get the work done until the last moment. How do students imagine these undone essays? Are they scared, intimidated, annoyed? If you analyze your fears in such a fun and relaxing way, you will find out some interesting things that you never knew how to battle your assignments and emerge victorious in the process! We will help you with this if you carefully read this article. Here are some other ways to stop procrastinating.

How Do Students Envision Essays?

What do you think about when there is an essay due next week and you have not even started gathering references? Surely, a sense of anxiety is already there, at least until you have clicked the “send” button. But the specific details can tell you more than you ever believed.

Monster Essay

Is your essay like a big monster under your bed or in the wardrobe? Just the thought of it terrorizes you to half-death? You cannot even sleep, because it is there – under your bed, in the dark, waiting to get you. There is nothing you can do, and you cannot even enjoy the good times with your friends, because the prospect of having an assignment to complete is there, and you have no idea how to battle this monster, as it just lives in your room, always following you around. In such case, you have a very big feat of battling your essay, and this means that you are very anxious about even writing it, because of some past failures or because of high expectations towards yourself. Just let go, invite the monster to have tea with you and offer it cookies, who does not like cookies? The monster will just dissolve when you start treating it normally.

Annoying Fly Essay

Annoying Fly

You forget about the essay, but then it is there in your schedule like an annoying fly, or maybe one of your groupmates mentions that they have already handed it in. Something that you should get rid of as quickly as you can, so that you can enjoy the good times or get on with the real work. Such an attitude towards your essay means that you do not view essays as a serious way to get your knowledge. Maybe you should start treating them a little more seriously. If the topics are not challenging enough for you, maybe you can take it up a notch and get a little deeper with your research or your writing skills. There is never a task that you cannot make a tad bit challenging and gain some knowledge in the process.

Changing Sheets Essay

You should probably do it. You think you did it, but no, the sheets already need changing. Your mom is going to be angry if you do not do the washing up yourself. A routine task that requires some efforts, but then clears up the sky for you. If you treat the essay like this, it means that writing essays is something that you find hard, but necessary. Try improving your writing skills, add a little bit of fun-smelling detergent, try a new approach, wash by hands or using another program. Do not turn college into a routine, because then your whole life will just be a routine with nagging tasks and not enough creative inspiration and motivation to work.

Running Out Produce Essay

Oh, you should finish the milk, because it might go bad soon. Maybe have an omelet, because the eggs are also going to smell soon. Since you are already at it, finish that essay. If you have such an attitude towards your essay, it means that you do not really care what you will write there, you do not care about the quality of that milk or those eggs, and your omelet might not be the best. You just need to finish the essay quickly, and you will scribble whatever comes into your head first because you seriously do not want to work on it and put a little bit more effort into it. What is the point of writing it then?

How to Change That?

Now that you have identified the way how you look at your essays, you can get to work and improve the ways you approach them and turn your work into effectively spent time.

Steps to Success

There is a saying that says “better give birth quickly then stress about it for eternity.” Indeed, the time you spend stressing over the essay will not benefit it. There is no glory in the process, since your work will be evaluated only in the end. So just learn to use your time wisely, for example, for half an hour a day to concentrate fully on your work and do not worry about it at all other times. Work effectively according to your plan and your essay will be completed quickly and you will not have to rush in the last days.

World of Research


To get interested in essay writing, the only thing that you should do is to like it truly. Get into the subject, fall in love with writing, use research to find some aspects of the topic that really appeal to you. In no time, you will see how the essay writes itself and the world “procrastination” turns meaningless for you.

Use Help

If you simply know that the essay will not bring you any new skills or knowledge, if there is no time to do it properly, if you are in college just because you are a victim of the bureaucratic system, if you will never be a columnist, but your teacher insists that you write a column, then do not hesitate to ask others for help. There is no shame to ask others for help, whether it is your roommate, your mom, or the team of professional writers that will do the job for you quickly and effortlessly, saving you some precious time to concentrate on the things that really matter.

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