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Freshman: Essentials You Need to Have on Your To-Buy List

college packing

Generally, there two types of students in the world: the ones who have everything packed and are ready to go weeks before departure and the ones who keep postponing the process of preparation until the last couple of days. If you belong to the second type you should know how hard is to remember everything while gatherings things in a rush. So creating a list of items you need to buy is not a bad idea after all; here are few objects you should definitely include in it:

Chargers and Headphones

A dorm is a place where chargers and headphones magically disappear. Student's life is usually pretty busy and having no charger when your phone is almost dead might be a big problem. Such small accessories usually get lost, left behind in classrooms, or broken, so having an additional pair of those will be a great advantage. Make sure you have one in your backpack and watch the other guy that may accidentally steal it!

The eBook

Any e-reader is a very useful thing for every student. Textbooks are very expensive; it will be much cheaper to purchase a book online or freely download it to your device. Besides, this will spare you from carrying heavy textbooks back and forth every day.

Fire-Proof Blankets

More often than not roommates have different views about a 'comfortable temperature' in a room. Most likely, you will have a lot of conflict situations about the opened window and turned on air conditioner (of course if there is going to be one there). Would be great if you were ready for any kind of situation so a couple of extra blankets is a point you should definitely include on your to-buy list.


Whatever makes you think you are the person that can remember everything, you most likely aren't. You will have different tests almost every week, every assignment will have its deadline, every paper will have a special date to be turned in. If you don't want any math test to catch you off guard, better consider purchasing a planner with a daily and monthly calendar. It will surely help you to plan your time and keep all the important dates remembered.

Special Clothes

Every state has hot and cold seasons and just because you've heard it never snows in there, it doesn't mean it can't get cold outside. Make sure you have purchased an umbrella, a couple of warm sweaters, big black boots, and a must-have leather coat. You have to make sure you are well-prepared for any weather!

Flip Flops for Shower

Believe me, it is a number one item if you are going to live in a dorm. Better buy a pair of those if you don't want to step on the piles of hair that the other students have left in the joint shower.

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