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Persuasive Techniques: Learn, Apply, Succeed!

Persuasive Speech

If you are facing the need to write or deliver a persuasive speech, don’t you want to be sure in its being maximally convincing? There is no need to invent a bicycle: just benefit from the tricks which have been already discovered by scientists.

Try to Find Something Similar

When you want to convince someone, you should start from the arguments, connecting you and your companion, but not from the separating ones.

Show the Empathy


Empathy is the ability to comprehend the emotional state of the other person in the form of the affinity. Empathy helps understand your companion and to imagine thinking of another person. You really have to estimate the power of arguments from the point of view of the person you are talking to. So, you have to put yourself in companion’s shoes. You should allow your companion to react. Similarly, if you want to use your image and status, you should assess the image and status of the person you want to convince. You also need empathy to use the next rule.

Avoid Conflictogens

Conflictogens are words, actions or inactions, which could lead to the conflict. This word means “to provoke the conflict”, because the ending “gene” means “to give birth”. The word “could” is the key word here. The circumstance that it not always leads to the conflict makes you skip it. For example, not courteous treatment will not lead to the conflict every time, but it often does.

Your Facial Expressions, Your Gestures and Poses Must Supply Your Speech

These things also have to be friendly to the audience. The facial expression is the main indicator of your feelings. The positive emotions, such as happiness, love and amazement, are easier to identify. The negative emotions, such as sadness, anger and disgust, are perceived with more difficulties. The emotions are usually connected with the facial expression in the next way:

amazement – raised eyebrows, wide open eyes, dropped down the tips of lips, opened mouth;

fear – raised and built over the nose eyebrows, wide open eyes, the tips of lips are dropped down and slightly laid back, the lips stretched sideways, mouth can be opened;

anger – eyebrows are dropped down, the wrinkles on the forehead are bent, eyes are narrowed, serried lips and compressed teeth;

disgust – the eyebrows are dropped down, the nose is wrinkled, the lower lip juts or the lips are serried;

sadness – built eyebrows, extinct eyes, the external tips of the lips are often dropped a little bit;

happiness – calm eyes, the external tips of the lips are raised and slightly laid back a little bit.

Everybody knows that the face is asymmetrical. As a result, the left side and the right side of the face reflect emotions differently. The left hemisphere controls the speech and the intellectual activity. The right hemisphere deals with emotions, imagination and touch activity. You can see the results of work of the left hemisphere on the right side of the face. Thus, it is more difficult to conceal the emotions on the left side of the face, because of the right hemisphere’s influence. The positive emotions reflect more evenly, but the negative ones distinct on the left side of the face. These differences relate to the nuances of the expression because both hemispheres work together.


Be a Pleasant Companion

You are more likely disposed to arguments of the pleasant companion and you treat with prejudice the arguments of the nasty person. The mechanism of this rule is similar to the mechanism of Socrates’ rule (triple “yes” one). The pleasant companion stimulates production of the hormones of happiness and this leads to the reluctance to confront. The unpleasant person acts on the contrary. Good impression, as you know, consists of many things such as the appearance, the deference, the literate language, the pleasant manners.

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