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Review and Advice on How to Behave with Your Professor

Student and Teacher

To be a student means to be an adult person who has entered the university to get a professional help in education. In other words, students and university professors are equal. Neither students should behave as children, nor teachers should watch and control them. University is a place for the cooperation of grown-up people. Let us review the ways of maintaining a good relationship with those who help us to get a profession.

Build Rapport

To create rapport with a lecturer, choose a front seat in a classroom. Show that he/she is the center of your attention by your body language and an interested look. Try not to use a laptop during lectures. Its screen creates a barrier between you and the professor. Instead, opt for a notebook with a pen or a tablet. In this way, you will show your respect, readiness to cooperate and that you are not busy with extraneous activities like Internet surfing. Review your behavior during lectures, maybe there is something that should be changed.

Prepare Questions

If you have ever had a job interview, you have, most probably, been asked a question "Do you have any questions?". And you know how hard it is to find any right questions immediately. The same happens in the academic field. Almost always students do not care about this situation, - as a result, that question causes a minute of awkward silence. A professor may do a little review of how interesting the material he/she offers is. This is a great moment to stand out, show your interest, support a professor and create a positive image of yourself in his/her eyes. If you know the topic of the lecture beforehand, you may ask WeDoHomework.Net experts to prepare the possible questions for you.

Create Your Image

When you want to get to know someone, you will probably check this person’s social network profile, look for personal information, hobbies, education, achievements etc. Do the same with your lecturer. Review his/her social profile one more time, find out where he/she studied, what was the topic of his/her thesis, what is the field of his/her interest, what publications he/she has made. Such information will create a base of topics to start a conversation and will show your interest in the lecturer as in a person. This way, you will create a self-image of a young beginner professional.

Be Punctual

Even if you are always on time, an unexpected situation may cause you to be late. Before entering a classroom, take off your outerwear, put everything you need to use during the class in your hands, then go in quietly and take your place. Be respectful not to make noise or become a visual distraction for neither your classmates nor the lecturer.

Lazy Questions

There are no silly questions, but there are lazy questions. Do not ask your professor a question before trying to find the answer yourself. Search on the Internet, ask other students, review your notes. Likely, you have a group on Facebook or in WhatsApp where you discuss everything related to the university with your groupmates. Only if none of the group members knows the answer on behalf of everyone, write an email to your professor. That’s how you will show how much you appreciate his/her time.

Save Good Relations

The end of the subject is not the end of your relations with the professor. In a professional aspect, he/she can be a useful contact for your future career. A great idea is to write a thank you letter to your professor after the end of the semester. Tell him or her what you liked about the course and include suggestions on how to make it better. Ask him/her for a coffee once in a while and share the latest news.

All your efforts will pay you off with a good letter of recommendation.  When your professor knows not only your marks but your personality, he/she definitely has something to write. Review your relationship with your university professors and create a positive image of yourself in your professional space.

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